
Echipament pentru studiul inteligentei la rozatoare

In depth screening of individual experimental animals in a social context

Up to 16 animals per cage, efficient testing, high throughput

Maximal standardization and reproducibility

Minimal human intervention, high validity

Fully automated task performance

Broad variety of accessible data

Flexible design of paradigms

Producător: TSE Systems

Model: IntelliCage

Cod: 3712ca66f268

Preţ, fără TVA: La cerere


Telefon: 0744.594.794 / 0251.417.664


The IntelliCage allows you to assess the home cage behavior and cognitive performance of up to 16 individual mice or rats separately while they are living in a social environment. This unique experimental setup fosters natural social behavior in a biologically relevant, enriched but highly standardized home cage context. In this way, the IntelliCage minimizes the need for handling and human intervention, thereby increasing task validity, data reproducibility and ensuring a high level of animal welfare.

RFID transponder tagged animals are individually recognized in the fully automated conditioning corners that evaluate spontaneous behavior, operant/associative learning and memory. The four corners are equipped with sensors (continuous 24h-recording of behavioral events) and actors (allowing the system to feedback on animals’ behavior in a pre-defined way). Together with the software package using a programmable user interface, this unique sensor/actor principle grants direct behavioral shaping of group-housed animals in an all-in-one system according to diverse research interests. The visually designed paradigms run fully automated, allowing for efficient continuous testing and monitoring of large experimental animal cohorts.

To date, IntelliCage data have been published in more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, among them publications in highly prestigious journals like PNAS, Molecular Psychiatry or Nature Communications. The IntelliCage has been shown to allow a transfer of validated behavioral paradigms into an automated setup, serving as a complement to usual behavioral testing procedures.

In depth screening of individual experimental animals in a social context

Up to 16 animals per cage, efficient testing, high throughput

Maximal standardization and reproducibility

Minimal human intervention, high validity

Fully automated task performance

Broad variety of accessible data

Flexible design of paradigms

Fiziologie animala, studiu comportamental la rozatoare.

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