
Social Multi Arena Home Cage

Social Multi Arena Home Cage Based Behavioral, Cognitive, Metabolic & Physiological Screening

Producător: TSE Systems

Cod: 6c599fbd8a26

Preţ, fără TVA: La cerere


Telefon: 0744.594.794 / 0251.417.664


Social Multi Arena Home Cage Based Behavioral, Cognitive, Metabolic & Physiological Screening

Based on the results of recent EU research projects, and on our extensive experience with in-vivo phenotyping and test equipment, TSE Systems has developed the PhenoWorld concept in close collaboration with several leading research institutions.

PhenoWorld is a unique combinatorial research approach, integrating ideas and solutions implemented in our PhenoMaster behavioral and metabolic home cage monitoring platform with those of the IntelliCage system by NewBehavior, connected by automatic AnimalGates, and combining these with paradigms from the Multi Conditioning approach. This results in a variety of completely novel systems and possible experimental set-ups

Automated Stress-Free

Metabolism, Energy Expenditure, Obesity & Diabetes

Social Behavior, Autism, Hierarchy

Imaginile prezentate au caracter informativ şi uneori pot conţine unele inadvertenţe.